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Geo | New reference practice for ground penetrating radar subsoil surveys

The UNI Executive Committee approved the launch of a new reference practice processing project (UNI/PdR) for defining the guidelines concerning underground infrastructure technologies with low environmental impact, in collaboration with IATT and UNINDUSTRIA.

The new Reference Practice project, which follows the publication of UNI/PDR 7:2014 concerning mini-trench systems, will be aimed at defining guidelines in order to detail the following techniques:

  • Systems with controlled horizontal drilling and non-guided horizontal drilling
  • Micro-tunnelling systems
  • Geo-radar techniques.

Paolo Chiara is working at the round table prepared and conducted by UNI as an expert designated by IATT for drafting practices (RP).

The second work meeting was held on 21st January 2016 and in the afternoon session concerning Cognitive Surveys, the discussion centred on the document “Locating and mapping underground infrastructure systems”. The document provides and describes how to locate and map underground infrastructures non-destructively.


Reference links to the news:
